15 Things To Follow To Avoid Baldness


13. Detox now

Detox now-theindusparent.com
Detox now-theindusparent.com

Excess of alcohol and coffee in your system can also mitigate hair loss. When your intake of alcohol increases, you get dehydrated and when there is a lack of water in your body, and since one-quarter of a hair strand is composed of water, your hair turns dry and brittle. Dehydration can also deplete the body’s iron and zinc levels. An excessive amount of caffeine in your body also has a similar detrimental effect.  Hence, you need to detox now!

14. Lentils


Lentils contain all the necessary nutrients to maintain a healthy mane. The edible pulse has iron, zinc, biotin, proteins and folic acid in abundance. Folic acid is necessary to maintain the health of the couriers of oxygen in the body, red blood cells. Healthy red blood cells mean healthy skin and scalp. Folic acid also helps maintain the quality of the sperm in men.

15. Guava


Vitamin C can effectively accelerate hair growth and make it less fragile and more durable. While we are under the misconception that citrus fruits are the best source of Vitamin C, a guava actually contains 4-5 times as much Vitamin C as any citrus fruit. Therefore, a guava a day keeps the hair fall at bay.
