Celebrities and Their Real-Life Historical Doppelgängers


19. Hank Azaria and Rudolph Steiner

Source: trendelier.com

Rudolph Steiner is the voice actor who plays Moe on The Simpsons and even had a recurring role on Friends as David, Phoebe’s boyfriend. Or is that Hank Azaria? Well, one of them is a voice actor and singer while the other was a philosopher from the late 19th century who published The Philosophy of Freedom.

20. Rupert Grint and Sir David Wilkie

Source: pinterest.com

Apparently, Ruper Grint, the actor-turned-ice-cream-man, looks a lot like the famous British painter from the 1700s, Sir David WIlkie. This is the only picture of Sir David Wilkie that truly resembles Rupert, but it’s still an odd image to behold.  Perhaps Malfoy wouldn’t have been so hard on Ron Weasley if he had picked up a history book (not A History of Magic).
