Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan´s son, Nick Hogan, has had his fair share of troubles. The man was once arrested for reckless driving. Nick had to serve eight months behind bars for the incident. His friend, who was with him at the time, suffered brain damage when he was ejected.
Ice-T´s son, Tracy Marrow Jr, found himself handcuffed when he decided to take a piss in public. We are not sure what went in his mind when he decided to relieve himself publicly. However, his father, Ice-T, has done far worse things than that. Hence, he can be excused.
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan´s son has grabbed headlines in the past for all the wrong reasons. He was once caught in a drug bust along with numerous other celebrities. Jackie´s son was dished out a punishment of 6 months behind bars in a Beijing jail. The man definitely brought shame to his dad, Jackie Chan.