Father and Son Take Same Picture for 26 Years



source: twentytwowords.com

Well, it appears as though Tian could no longer carry his child anymore from the start of the year, 1998. The child has grown tremendously over the years. He is nearly as tall as his father. However, we must state that he looks a tad bit malnourished.


source: twentytwowords.com

Several years later, the father- son duo still love each other and are comfortable embracing one another. We don’t think we shared that sort of bond with our fathers when we were in our teenage years. We were the more ‘emo’ types.


source: reddit

Finally, they are not the only ones in the picture. They seem to have bought a little doggy. What does the mother have to do to get in on the shot? We hope she is well and in the pink of health. We hope the child didn’t have to grow up motherless.
