Till recently, grinding the gym routine was simply a matter of presenting yourself in worn out tees and sweat stained sweaters, and nobody would give you a second glance. But nowadays, it’s as important to dress for the gym as it is to present yourself decently at work. The sloppy sweater and the sweaty tee are increasingly being replaced with high-tech, breathable, moisture-absorbent fabrics that showcase the cutting edge of high fashion. It’s suddenly important to look immaculate and impressive when you’re breaking bones and dripping sweat.
Make no mistake, it’s got nothing to do with being vain about the way you look; it’s all about striking the perfect pose with the style and élan that makes you stand above and beyond the ordinary crowd. If you want to project that kind of glamor, redefine your basics.

Your footwear makes a statement
Whether you’re running the treadmill, breaking the weights or stretching the forearms, it’s the footwear that arrests attention. Go for good shock absorbent trainers that go easy on your feet but present pleasing eye candy for gym hoppers that cast a glance your way. An attractive and functionally efficient pair of trainers goes a long way in diverting eyeballs away from the huffing and puffing that you push into your routine.

Avoid getting short-circuited by your shorts
In the highly competitive world of fitness, it’s high time you jettisoned performance inhibiting track suits and skin suffocating leggings. It’s time to pay attention to perfecting your shorts. The hem shouldn’t travel too far up to expose your thundering thighs and you don’t want that basketball look with shorts that dip below the knees. Make it decently short and snappy for that manly, virile, and no-nonsense look. Get it right and make it smart to up your glamor quotient.

Get a hold of the season’s slickest outdoor jackets
There’s a whole new world of fitness training beyond a gym, and you’ll find yourself running outdoors more often than you can count. It’s inexpensive (no membership fees) and its body refreshing. Whether you face wet or cold weather or chilly or warm climes, a well-honed jacket should become your indispensable companion. Pick the figure enhancing, all-weather fabrics that keep you covered in style and in substance as you combat the elements.

Pick the right Tees
Choose your tees and tanks with a great deal of care. After all, you don’t want to lower your performance, and you need to finely combine great style with creature comfort. Don’t tie yourself in the technicalities; get a fabric that is decently sweat-absorbent, breathes well in all-weather conditions, and helps you retain your core body temperature.