Save Yourself: Avoid These Dangerous Things


Most Dangerous Chemical: Substance N

Substance N is one deadly chemical. It boils when exposed to air, blows up when exposed to water, is lethal when inhaled, and produces hydrochloric acid when decomposed. It burns at 2,400 degrees Celsius. The chemical´s scientific name is C1F3, chlorine trifluoride.

Most Dangerous Medical Condition: Heart Disease

According to the World Health Organization, the leading cause of death in the years 2000 and 2012 was the Ischaemic heart disease!

Most Dangerous Road: Yungas Road

Yungas Road, which stretches from La Paz to Coroico about 35 miles northeast of La Paz, Bolivia, is ostensibly the most dangerous road in the world. Christened, ¨the world´s most dangerous road,¨ in the year 1995 by the Inter-American Development Bank, the road claims the lives of between 200 to 300 travelers yearly.
